
You’ve got to cheer up😃

Do you know that a smile is a light that brightens the world making it the best place to live in? Cheer up! Smile!

Hello champion😃…you heard me right. You are a champion because you champion. You always win. Well, you may wonder why I have to say this. First of all, you are God’s masterpiece created for good works and for a good life. We all know that victory is part of the good life.  👇

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Ephesians 2:10 NLT

 Secondly, being God’s masterpiece qualifies you as a child of God. And what do children do? They carry out all activities in the exact way their parents or guardians show them. Children imitate their parents. This is the exact case for all of us as God’s children. Remember that👇

Every child of God overcomes the world, for our faith is the victorious power that triumphs over the world.
1 John 5:4 TPT
Like father, like son.

Many are times we get caught up in our day to day affairs to the extend that we are very tired at the end of the day(too bad). It is on such days that we forget to appreciate the very small joys of life like laughter. I am so sure that I am not alone in this, huh? You can take it to the bank.  On such days, laughter from other people is irritating to me. Why? Because I feel like my mind can’t take in more. But is this how it should be? Well,I don’t know what you think. So I will let you ponder on that.

And as it turns out, you need to have your mouth occupied a bit right now because we still have some miles ahead…If I were you I would grab some coffee…that’s what I am serving you right away….

Maybe you are thinking ‘oh what a bad day today has been’ or ‘I can’t believe I have survived another big blow’ or ‘is life ever going to be any better?’. Maybe you also feel like you’ve come to the end of yourself. You’ve tried and tried but you are never arriving. You’ve worked on that project a hundred billion times but no one is ready to listen to what you have to say. You’ve being in and out of hospital but the situation worsens with every hospital visit. Your family has disowned you. Your friends have left you.

You’ve lost the job that was a great boost to the family. Your business is on the verge of collapsing because the court is almost declaring you bankrupt. The landlord has just locked you out and you have no place to go. You name any situation which crashes you down and makes you feel like the walls are closing in. Circumstances that make you see life as an endless hill you climb. Things that cause you to wonder if there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I know how life feels when we have little or no control over certain situations, because we lack knowledge on the how to do certain things. I have good news. It’s time you stop focusing on all that negative stuff that’s happening around you. It’s time you silence all those noises which don’t give you peace. It’s time you arise and shine for your light is come.

Alright, your light has been within you all along anyway. I know what you are thinking. (It’s okay to punch your forehead, just remember to be gentle on you) Wait, did I just say that your light has been within you? Yes I did. And the good thing is, as Steffany Gretzinger sings, ‘YOU CAN’T TURN OUT A LIGHT SHINING FROM THE INSIDE’.

I wish you could see how you glimmer, how you glow, how you shine. Cheer up. You are bigger than all that. You are a champion Champion.

There is one thing that this seedling depicts: HOPE. Despite its environment, it has germinated. And I believe that given time, the seedling will thrive and become a big tree.

That is the same case with you. It does not matter what you’ve been through. It does not matter what they said. It does not matter what your situation looks like. There is one truth that I know. GOD IS ABLE. God is able to do all that He’s promised you, by His Word. He is a faithful God. He always keeps His Word for He is not a man that He should lie.

He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we think or ask. God is able to turn it all around for your good. He turns our mourning into dancing and our sorrows into joy. He does all this because He loves us unconditionally. He desires that we enjoy the best in life. That is why He calls us champions and victors.

You know what… You can’t give up right now. You’ve come too far to give up when it’s almost dawn. You’ve got to cheer up because even when you don’t see it shaping up, God is working. And He works all things for the good of those who love Him.

God loves you. That is reason enough to cheer up always. You gotta look at that circumstance and talk to it now. Do you know what to tell it? Speak to it… ‘Problem, I am a champion. I have already won because God did it for me. And you know what, I choose to cheer up always for all things work together for my good’. Well that’s weird… It’s like speaking alone or to the air…maybe that’s the very thought in your mind. I mean how do you talk to what you don’t see? So it is also true to conclude that because you don’t see it, it’s not there. More reasons to CHEER UP.

Cheer up because all is working and victory is all yours.


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