Guess who just landed💃💃💃✨✨✨…

Heeeeelllllllloooooooo Ladies and Gentlemen. I know you know what this means….. And yesss you guessed right…. THE CAPTAIN is baaaaaacccckkkkkk 💃💃💃💃💃…. Captain Nzeli is heeeereee✨✨✨✨and she is exciitteedd to have you on board again….. Yes she has missed you and yes she is glad to be doing this again. Before we take off, she would like to know and hear from youuu….. Yeeesss Youuuuuuu…..  How are youuuu? How have you been?

Well, may be you are wondering where the Captain has landed from… And what she’s been up to all this while 😂! And of course deep down you want to ask her about the updates you are seeing…. Worry no more because the Captain is here very loaded with Great Benefits for youu.  

You see, we daily make progress! We daily increase! It is of no doubt that the Captain has increased. What a joy! She is so grateful to you for being on all flights. This is how she has daily increased. She has also moved to HERE…. This is now where you’ll find her.

Aannnnddd nooooooowwwww witthhhhhhh theeee Jooooooyyyy of the Loorddddd she officially welcomes you on board. We will be taking off sooonn… Fasten your seat belt… And just like alwaysss put on that smile. You look so great in that smile. Don’t tire now! We haven’t started yet! Heeyyy, lemme see your white teeth… You look amazing when you smile so keep at it. All through the journey choose joy. Let this joy move you.

Choose joy! Be confident in who you are! Choose joy because you know whose you are! You are a Child of God. A Child of the Most High! You are a Royal Son! You are a Noble Daughter! Your Father is the King of the universe! Heeyy you are Royalty👑! Dad God loves you unconditionally! You are accepted in the beloved! You are His beloved! Royalty…. This is who you are! Live like the Royalty you are✨✨✨✨.

We will be flying in style this time round…you know what I mean? Well, I’d rather you stay in here and find out. You’ll definitely love this one because we’ll do it the royalty way👑….


Talk to the Most Excellent Captain

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